Statesman Books

  • Jose Antonio Navarro: Texas Statesman
    The story of Jose Antonio Navarro, a Tejano politician during the Texas Revolution and early statehood.
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  • The life and writings of Sophocles
    The story of Sophocles, a famous Greek playwright and statesman, known for his plays and contributions to Athens.
  • Frederick Douglass
    The story of Frederick Douglass, an African-American social reformer, abolitionist, orator, writer, and statesman.
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  • Mihail Kogălniceanu
    The biography of Mihail Kogălniceanu, a Romanian statesman, lawyer, historian, and publicist who played a significant role in Romania's history.
  • Sam Houston: A Fearless Statesman
    A brief biography of Sam Houston, an American statesman, politician, and soldier who played a significant role in the Texas Revolution.
  • Winston Churchill: The Life and Legacy of Britain's Greatest Statesman
    Winston Churchill's life story highlights his leadership during WWII, his early challenges, and his enduring legacy as a writer and politician, inspiring generations with his…
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    After being dared to enter 'The Pumpkin Seed Challenge' by his friends, Hunter begins to exhibit some weird symptoms. Eventually his head turns into a pumpkin. But that's not…
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  • Alexander Hamilton
    A brief biography of Alexander Hamilton, his contributions to the American Revolution, his role in writing The Federalist Papers, and his tragic end.
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