Street Art Books

  • Street Art in Stuttgart und Mannheim
    ZSP Szczercow, SP TO "Edukacja" Lodz, Konzenbergschule

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  • Indianapolis Guide
    This book is a collaborative effort by three second-grade classes, providing an informative guide about Indianapolis. It covers various landmarks, institutions, and historica…
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  • Lowell Elementary School History
    This wonderful piece of literature has encapsulated true and mostly true stories of Lowell Elementary School in Waterloo, Iowa. It was painstakingly researched and written by…
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  • A girl named Ioli-Geo explains the meaning of graffiti and its impact on the world, showcasing various examples.
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  • ZidArt- A special project of Bacau city
    The story explores the history and significance of street art, focusing on a specific mural and its creation process.
  • Lost at Sesame Place
    Autumn and her friends get lost at Sesame Place, but with Autumn's quick thinking, they find their way back to their families.
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  • Medina City Schools Operation Gratitude: Kindness Quarantine
    The story is a compilation of various acts of kindness performed by children during the quarantine period. It includes making art, writing letters, helping neighbors, and exp…
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  • A Rainbow in Every Window!
    Lily's afraid and angry. Why is everything so different and what kind of monster is this Coronavirus? Lily wishes there was something she could do to make everybody feel happ…
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