Temperate Grasslands Books

  • Temperate Grasslands.
    An informational text about temperate grasslands, including climate, animals, plants, locations, and food chain.
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  • The Earth's Biomes
    This book provides information about eight of Earth's biomes, including their locations, resident animals, and annual rainfall.
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    An informative book about different types of ecosystems, their characteristics, and their importance in sustaining the natural world.
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  • Billy The Bison in the temperate grassland
    Billy the Bison describes his life in the Temperate Grasslands, including its climate, biodiversity, and threats to the habitat.
  • The Climate Zones of Australia
    This book provides an overview of the climate zones in Australia, including equatorial, tropical, subtropical, desert, grassland, and temperate zones.
  • Grassland Biome
    This is an informational text about the temperate grasslands, including details about temperature, rainfall, and various plants and animals that inhabit the ecosystem.
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  • PJ the Prairie Dog
    A young prairie dog named PJ explores his new home, the Temperate Grassland, and learns about its weather, plants, animals, food web, and human impact.
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  • Dog's Reading Day
    Dog learns about different biomes, including the Arctic Tundra, Taiga, Temperate Forest, Grasslands, Tropical Rainforest, and Desert.
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