Tim Allen Books

  • Colorado
    An informative book about the geography, climate, and attractions of Colorado, including its land features, ski resorts, and unpredictable weather.
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  • NBA Teams
    This book provides a comprehensive overview of NBA teams, detailing their history, key players, and achievements. It also includes records from the entire history of the NBA.
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  • The History Of Basketball
    Basketball's evolution from the 60s to the 2020s highlights key players and changes in play style, showcasing its growth and popularity as a global sport.
  • Cake, and The American Spirit.
    On the Fourth of July, a young boy named Tim questions the importance of patriotism. His father uses the metaphor of baking a cake to explain key events in American history t…
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  • EXIT
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  • Amy's Adventure
    Amy the rabbit goes on a walk with Edward the Earth Expert Eagle and learns about the layers of the Earth, plate boundaries, and continental drift.
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  • Becoming Bill Gates
    A biography of Bill Gates, his early life, education, founding of Microsoft, and his impact on the computer industry.
  • Splork the Alien Warlord
    This is story about an alien named Splork. Throughout the book, Brian the Asian Fairy tries to help Splork turn good and be kind. This story is based on A Christmas Carol, in…
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