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A comprehensive overview of the American Revolution, including key events, figures, and its impact on the United States.

The Boston Tea Party in 1773 protested British taxes, leading to the American Revolution and eventual independence with the Treaty of Paris in 1783.

A young colonist recounts key events of the American Revolution, including protests, battles, and the signing of the Treaty of Paris.
by Olivia Smith

A historical account of the events leading up to and during the Revolutionary War, including key battles and the signing of the Treaty of Paris.
by 9314098

A brief biography of Benjamin Franklin, his inventions, and his contributions to history.
by Sara Rotar

A brief overview of key events in American history, including King George III, the Stamp Act, Boston Tea Party, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independen…

This book has been written by Erica Rong. It is all about The Founding Fathers of the United States and their vision for America. I hope you enjoy!
by kgoldfarb2

A collection of historical events during the American Revolutionary War, including the Boston Massacre, Declaration of Independence, Battle of Saratoga, George Washington, Va…

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