Utensils Books

  • Let's Bake!
    A list of baking-related items.
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  • The Long Vowels
    This book explores only the long vowel sounds at the beginning of words. Of course, "Y" is the exception.
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  • The Dinosour And The Magic Utensils
    A dinosaur named Dan gets magic kitchen utensils but struggles to control them. He seeks help from the queen of Unicorns and eventually becomes king.
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  • The Adventures of Sporky
    Sporky, a spork, is rejected by both spoons and forks. But when Jimmy needs a utensil for his soup, Sporky proves his usefulness.
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  • Celebrating Diwali
    A description of the five-day Diwali festival in India, including traditions, rituals, and significance.
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  • ABC's of food in ancient Greece
    A description of various ancient Greek cooking vessels and utensils, along with some information about Greek culinary culture.
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  • Courtney as the Greatest Factor
    Madison wakes up and realizes it's her best friend Courtney's birthday. She had forgotten about the surprise party she was planning. Madison races to prepare, using math to f…
  • The ABCs of the First Thanksgiving
    An overview of the first Thanksgiving, discussing the experiences of the pilgrims and the Wampanoag tribe.
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