Visual Storytelling Books

  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar Handout
    The Very Hungry Caterpillar Story Bag is an engaging and educational book that teaches children about the life stages of a butterfly. It includes various activities and props…
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  • Using Robotics In the Classroom
    Ms. Tucker introduces her class to robotics and visual storytelling technology, which they will use to create their own math concept story books or videos.
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  • Final Reflection
    A reflection on various modules in a teacher training program, discussing changing perspectives and plans for future teaching.
  • My Final thoughts on ...
    A teacher reflects on their changing perspectives and shares tips for becoming a 'super teacher' through modules covering G-suite, lesson planning, visible thinking, ISTE sta…
  • I used to think ... but now I think...
    The story is a series of reflections on the author's evolving understanding of various educational tools and strategies, from Google Docs to Bloom’s Taxonomy, concept mapping…
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  • I Used to Think... but, NOW I Think...
    A new teacher shares his experiences and thoughts on using technology in the classroom, discussing various tools and methods such as Google Docs, Bloom's Taxonomy, and visual…
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  • Reflection
    Heather reflects on what she learned in her technology class, including Google tools, concept mapping, screencasting, assistive technology, visual storytelling, and lesson pl…
  • I used to think...Now I think...
    The story discusses the author's changing perspective on technology in the classroom and the various ways it can be used to enhance learning.
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