Water Crisis Books

  • Water In Africa With Ivy
    Ivy travels to Africa and discovers that they don't have clan water! Travel with Ivy on her journey to discovering the issues society faces today.

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  • The Water crisis
    The story discusses the water crisis in Australian cities, exploring various solutions such as recycling water, desalination plants, and building more dams.
  • The Town of Flint
    The story of Flint, Michigan's water crisis and the community's fight for clean water, highlighting their resilience and determination.
    Little Miss Flint tells her story of living in Flint, Michigan, where the water is contaminated with lead. She discusses the health issues and challenges faced by her communi…
    A forest faces a water crisis, and its inhabitants must work together to find a solution and overcome obstacles.
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  • Ryan Hreljac
    A biography of Ryan, a Canadian boy who raised money to build wells in Africa and helped thousands of people get clean water.
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  • A Clean Water Crisis
    The story discusses the global water crisis, including the percentage of freshwater on Earth, the amount locked up in ice and snow, and the availability of usable and drinkab…
  • Abeeku Vs. The Water Problem
    Abeeku, a boy from Ethiopia, faces challenges due to lack of access to clean water. The story highlights the global water crisis and its impact on education and health.
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