My Public / Unpublished Books (7)

  • A brief history of Oklahoma, from Native American tribes to statehood, with some notable events and figures.
    by Aubrey Gleichman-Student
    Eye Icon 7
  • The French and British compete for land in North America, leading to the French and Indian War. The British suffer early defeats but eventually turn the tide with the help of…
    by Aubrey Gleichman-Student
    Eye Icon 21
  • A historical account of the events leading up to the formation of the U.S. Constitution, including the Articles of Confederation, debates, and challenges.
    by Aubrey Gleichman-Student
    Eye Icon 1
  • A brief overview of key events in American history, including the Era of Good Feelings, U.S. relations with Latin America, democratic reforms, Indian removal, and the debate …
    by Aubrey Gleichman-Student
  • by Aubrey Gleichman-Student
  • A timeline of important events in American history, including the adoption of the Articles of Confederation, Shay's Rebellion, and the creation of the Constitution and Bill o…
    by Aubrey Gleichman-Student
  • A brief overview of key events during the American Revolutionary War from 1776 to 1781.
    by Aubrey Gleichman-Student
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