My Public / Unpublished Books (7)

  • An informational book about stars, the sun, the moon, day and night, the calendar, weather, and seasons.
    by Shipra Soni
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  • Pls check out my new book in the English learning series on the title " Homophones". It is a quick guide to help you understand the common words of homophones.
    by Shipra Soni
    Eye Icon 28
  • Ayaan tells Olivia about the traditions, cultures, and food of Uttar Pradesh, including Ramlila, holy dips, ghats, and Awadhi cuisine.
    by Shipra Soni
    Eye Icon 28
  • A child's portfolio showcases their learning outcomes, including book care, self-awareness, emotions, and healthy habits.
    by Shipra Soni
    Eye Icon 18
  • A brief history of transportation, from early humans walking to the invention of the steam engine and automobiles.
    by Shipra Soni
    Eye Icon 123
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  • Hello Friends! To help you understand the basics of nouns, I bring to you this interactive e-book with examples and rules.
    by Shipra Soni
    Eye Icon 43
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  • Come and join me in learning when and where to use the articles in english language with 5 golden rules.
    by Shipra Soni
    Eye Icon 31
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