Apollo 11 Books

  • The Apollo 11 Mission
    The story recounts the historic Apollo 11 mission, detailing the events leading up to the moon landing and the astronauts' return to Earth.
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  • Neil Armstrong: Man On The Moon
    The story of Neil Armstrong, the first person to walk on the moon, from his childhood dreams of flying to his historic Apollo 11 mission.
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  • The story of the man on the moon
    The story of the Apollo 11 mission, where American astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first men to walk on the moon.
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  • Apollo 11 Mission
    The story of Apollo 11's mission to the moon, including the landing, first steps, and return to Earth.
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  • Apollo 11's Mission to the Moon
    The story of the Apollo 11 mission, where astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin became the first men to walk on the moon.
    by jlr
    Eye Icon 127
  • Apollo 11
    The story of Apollo 11's mission to the moon and the astronauts' successful landing and return to Earth.
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    This book tells the story of Apollo 11 and the men who were brave enough to go to the moon!
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  • Apollo 11: Step to a New World
    A brief overview of the Apollo 11 mission and the first Moon landing, inspiring readers to explore space.
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