Backup Generator Books

  • My Day At Work
    A power outage interrupts a recording session, leading to chaos and a search for a backup generator.
    by SRL
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  • Storm Runners The Surge
    A group of kids and adults face a hurricane, dangerous animals, and other challenges while trying to protect themselves and an elephant during the storm.
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  • How the Internet has affected our lives
    The book explores the impact of the Internet on various aspects of our lives, including business, education, and politics. It discusses the benefits and risks associated with…
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  • Natural Disasters: Hurricanes
    This informative book provides a comprehensive overview of hurricanes, their causes, impacts, and safety measures. It also discusses the data collection methods and patterns …
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  • Final Reflection Paper (Movie - 14 hours)
    The story follows the challenges faced by a hospital during a tropical storm and the heroic efforts of the nurses and staff to evacuate patients and ensure their safety.
  • The Time Warp : A Journey to Paris
    Volume II of the Time Warp series originally published summer 2016. Bill and Carl travel back in time to Paris 1944 to stop Time Traveling Terrorist.
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    An alphabetical guide to natural disasters and hazards, providing definitions, preparation tips, and fun facts.
    A nurse and a doctor work together to save patients during a tropical storm in Houston.
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