Cultural Assimilation Books

  • The Immigration of Anna DeMonte
    The story of Anna DeMonte, an Italian immigrant who came to America in 1890 and built a new life with her husband and children.
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  • The Culture Of The Caribbean
    This story explores the cultural heritage of the Caribbean, including its diverse ethnic groups, customs, and the impact of cultural assimilation and retention.
  • Pat the Irish Immigrant
    Patrick, an Irish immigrant, shares his journey to America during the Potato Famine. He faces challenges but finds hope and opportunity in the United States.
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  • First American, Second Asian: Pag-Asa’s Struggle
    Pag-Asa, a second-generation Filipino-American, navigates cultural identity and assimilation in America, facing challenges at school and with her parents.
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  • My Experience at Ellis Island
    Paul, a Jewish immigrant, shares his journey to the USA through Ellis Island, highlighting the challenges and emotions he experienced.
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  • India’s Muslim Empires
    The story discusses the impact of Islam on India, including conquests, cultural assimilation, and political changes.
  • Growth and Learning (So Far...)
    This book provides an overview of language and culture concepts, theories, and teaching strategies. It covers topics such as high and low context languages, language acquisit…
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  • ABC's of Sociology
    The story is an informative piece that covers various sociological and cultural concepts, each represented by a letter of the alphabet. It provides definitions and examples f…
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