Dharma Books

    Reincarnation, Moksha, Karma, and Dharma are Hindu beliefs. Reincarnation is the cycle of life and death. Moksha is liberation from this cycle. Karma is the consequence of ac…
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  • ABC's of Buddhism
    A brief overview of Buddhism, including its key concepts, teachings, and practices.
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  • Bensen's First Vesak Day
    Bensen shares his experience of celebrating Vesak Day, the most important day for Buddhists, and explains its significance and rituals.
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  • Riya's Adventure
    Riya, a curious girl, meets Guruji Shyam in the forest. He teaches her about Dharma, Zakat, and Karma Yoga from Buddhism, Islam, and Hinduism. Riya applies these teachings to…
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  • The Magical Friendship Tree
    Anna, a kind and curious girl, learns about different religions and their teachings on nature. With the help of her friends, she saves the dying Friendship Tree, bringing uni…
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  • Hinduism
    Kevin, a Hindu boy, introduces Hinduism and its key concepts such as the caste system, reincarnation, karma, dharma, and Moksha.
  • Arya's path To Moksha
    A young girl named Arya learns about Hinduism and the importance of fulfilling her dharma to reach liberation (Moksha).
  • Aashi's Bus Ride
    Aashi, a Hindu girl in India, witnesses bullying on the school bus and learns about her religion's teachings on karma and dharma.
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