Loss Reduction Books

  • soil erosion
    A brief introduction to soil, its importance, and ways to prevent soil erosion.
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    An informative text about the organization and functions of a public water utility in Crowston, including its structure, services, finances, and measures taken to ensure wate…
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  • Endangered Animals
    Please support me. I am a primary five student in Hong kong!
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  • Human Impact
    The book discusses the human impact on Earth, covering topics like agriculture, urbanization, deforestation, population growth, overgrazing, fracking, drilling, mining, natur…
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  • What's Waste Management?
    Lauren learns about waste management and its impact on the environment from her mom, leading her to take action.
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  • The Shrinking of the Aral Sea
    The Aral Sea Crisis and its impact on the environment, economy, and health due to human activities.
  • let's Save Our Planet Together
    This story is about a project on global warming and climate change conducted by several schools. The students introduced themselves, made presentations, designed logos and po…
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  • desertification and its global repercussions
    This informative book explains the process and consequences of desertification, including soil infertility, vegetation damage, erosion, disasters, polluted water sources, fam…
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