We ,as 'Let's Save Our Planet Together " E-twinning partners ,dedicate this book to the those who take on responsibility to pass on a sustainable world to the future generations .

Distribution of Tasks
1. Adapazari Haci Zehra Akkoç Girls' Anatolian High School
All Project Activities
Responsible Teacher :Volkan Yalçin
Responsible Students :Mariya A.-Tuğba Y.
2 Kanuni Anatolian High School
Definition of Global Warming and Climate Change
Responsible Teacher :Birgül Köroğlu
Responsible Students :
3.Bodrum Anatolian High school
Reasons of Global Warming and Climate Change
Responsible Teacher :Çağatay Nalçaoğlu
Responsible Students :Irmak T.-Batu Kemal Y.
4.Seyhan Motor Vehicles Vocational and Technical Anatolian High school
Results of Global Warming and Climate Change
Responsible Teacher :Cumali Akkaya
Responsible Students :Muhammet Halil Ö.-Selahattin Y.
5-Fethi Gemuhluoğlu Anatolian High School
Precautions to be taken individually to prevent climate change
Responsible Teacher Şükran Yalçin
Responsible Students :Selin F.-Mehmet Şevki D.
6.Pazar Şehit Murat Naiboğlu Civil Aviation Vocational and Technical High school- Precautions to be taken local wide
Responsible Teachers :Emel Bodur-İrem Ünal-Merve Merev
Responsible Students :Eslem Dilay D.,Semanur Hilal A. ,Buse P.
7.Clubul Copiilor Curtea de Argeş -Precautions to be taken national wide
Responsible Teacher :Ruxanadra Socaciu
Responsible Students :Ştefan S., Biacnca N.
Project Activities
Students &Schools Introduction
-Our first activity in the project was students, schools
and cities introduction. Students of each partner school introduced their selves, their schools and cities by using Canva and shared it on the common Padlet.
-We had a Zoom meeting with teacher and students.
-Students and teachers had a presurvey on Global
Warming and Climate Change.
-Each partner school made a Global Warming and
Climate Change PowerPoint presentation.

-Students from each school designed logos and posters about Global Warming by using Canva, and shared it on the Padlet,
-The teachers created the Logo and Poster Competition pages, by the votes of students and teachers we chose these as the Project's Logo and Poster. ----->
-Students designed slogans about Global Warming and shared it on their social media accounts.
-We created Social Media accounts for the project

Logo And Poster Competitions
-For writing the Chain Stories the teachers made international mixed groups, with planets names such as Saturn, Mars, Mercury and Earth..
-The stories were divided into 3 parts; Introduction, Development and Conclusion part;
-Every group had 10 students; 3 students for the Introduction and Conclusion parts and 4 students for the Development part.
-By using the Web2.0 tool Edupad every group wrote their own Chain Story about Global Warming and Climate Change.
-You can check our activity by scanning the Barcode----->

Chain Stories
-In each partner school, students prepared Bulletin Boards for the project. On the bulletin Boards students wrote reasons and results of Global Warming and Climate Change and how to stop it.

Bulletin Boards
-We planted trees and saplings on the 21st of March (Forest Week)
-Students and teachers planted saplings and trees to help stop the Climate Change.

Planting Trees
-We calculated our Carbon Footprints to share awareness about Global Warming.
-You can check the website we used to calculate our Carbon
Footprints by scanning the Barcode. ---->
Calculating Carbon Footprints
Common Work E-Book

-By using the Web2.0 tool Storyjumper, students with the help of the teachers wrote about our project "LET'S SAVE OUR PLANET TOGETHER" and its activities. Students also wrote about Global Warming and Climate Change, explained what it is, it's reasons, results, and what we can do to help stop it.
-Students and teachers had a Last-Survey about Global Warming and the project. It asked them about the Global Warming and how this project effected them.
The Last-Survey
-Seyhan Motor Vehicles VET School:
Ömer Faruk B. talked over the precautions to be taken national wide.
-Bodrum Anatolian High School:
İrmak T. talked over the defnetion of global warming and climate change.
-Pazar Şehit Murat Naiboğlu Civil Aviation VET School:
Mehmet K. &Kerim S. made a speech regarding the reasons of global warming.
-Fethi Gemuhluoğlu Anatolian High School:
Elif G. talked about the results of Global Warming.
-Adapazari Haci Zehra Akkoç Girls Anatolian High school:
Şevval O. made a presentation over the measures to be taken individually.
-Kanuni Anatolian High School:
Zülal A. will let us know what she thinks about global warming and its effects
-Clubul Copiilor Curtea de Argeș:
Larisa B. will let us know the precautions to be taken local wide
The Distribution Of Tasks In the 2nd meeting
-This part of the E-Book was made by Hacı Zehra Girls Anatolian High School's students : Mariya A. and Tuğba Y. with their teacher (Volkan Y.)
-As our project's last activity, we had a zoom meeting
were the students prepared presentations and talked
about Global Warming in English.
-Every school had it own task, according to the tasks;
students searched about Global Warming and Climate Change, then talked about and presented what they searched in the meeting.
The Second Zoom Meeting

What is happening on our planet?
The amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is increasing at an extraordinary rate!

• Our daily consumption amounts that have been increasing for the last 150 years,
• Providing the energy required to meet this consumption demand with fossil fuels,
• The decrease in forests and natural areas as a result of human activities such as urbanization, opening of new agricultural areas, and mining increase the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Scientists say that this change has occurred much faster in recent years. Living things find it difficult to adapt to this and are adversely affected by this situation.

•It shows the variation of the Earth's average temperature values recorded for about 140 years. Earth's average temperature has risen rapidly since 1880. After the 1960s, you will see the graph rise vertically.

What would happen from 1.5°C?
What Happens If We Don't Take Precautions?
By- Ayşe Ceren ÜREY
Teacher- Birgül KÖROĞLU
Transportation: The increase in vehicles circulating in the city and the increase in the consumption of fossil fuels accelerate global warming. Fossil fuels cause air and water pollution. The most important feature of these gases is that they cause an increase in
temperature on
a global scale and
keep the heat in
the atmosphere.

Industrialization: As a result of the rapid increase in industrialization, carbon emissions are increasing and global warming is accelerating.

● Tree felling: In our country and around the world, trees are cut to build industrial areas, to create land areas suitable for farming, to build houses and hotels. Trees have a great contribution to ecology. The destruction of green spaces causes air pollution.

● Livestock: The greenery consumed by animals and the destruction of greens that animals can consume accelerate global warming. At the same time, the wastes that animals leave in nature also cause environmental
pollution. Medicines
and chemicals used
for industrial livestock
cause global warming.

● Industrial Farming: The reason why industrial agriculture is preferred over organic agriculture is because it is much more profitable and easy. The pesticides used in agriculture are causing the destruction
of farmland
and increasing
the temperature
on the planet.

● Consumption Frenzy: Hundreds of thousands of products are produced every day to meet consumption. The resources spent during the production of these products, which are produced to meet people's expectations, constitute 60% of greenhouse gas emissions.

Seyhan Motor Vehicles Vocational and Technical High School
Results of Global Warming and Climate Change
Seyhan Motor Vehicles Vocational and Technical Anatolian High school
Results of Global Warming

Muhammet Halil Ö
Selahattin YILDIRIM

• The effects of global warming have taken its role on people, animals, birds and habitat. In fact no continent has been spared.
• At Antarctica, shrinking sea ice has reduced the population of the Adelie penguin by 33% in 25 years.
• In Canadian Arctic, the Peary caribou population has decreased due to heavy rainfall from 24,000 in 1961 to 1100 in 1997.
Developing countries are twice as at risk to climate change as industrialized countries, and small islands states are thrice as at risk, according to a group of UN scientists. U.S is the fourth country in the world responsible for CO emission.
• Estimates drawn from reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Changes (IPCC) projects increase in average global temperatures ranging from 1.4 0C to 5.8 0C by the year 2100.
A slight rise in temperature even by 1 0C, can have adverse effect on the Sea levels. This sea level rise would threaten coastal cities (Calcutta, Mumbai, Chennai, etc.)
and some 60-odd island nations such as Maldives, Bangladesh, etc.
• Global warming increases the desert. It increases temperature in North America, South Africa, Mexico, India and other countries. Changes of hurricanes, cyclones and floods will be more which will damage the lagoons, estuaries and coral reefs. Global warming may cause extinction of more than one million species of animals and plants by 2050 AD.
• Change in climate can also bring several other problems, such as Drying of surface water bodies, fall in ground water table, serious water shortage, desertification of vast areas which were hitherto fertile
and productive lands, crop pattern change and reduced agricultural yields- shortage of food, growth in micro-organisms and spread of diseases, etc.
1Publish the news
Encourage your friends, family and colleagues to reduce carbon pollution.
2 Keep up the political pressure
Lobby local politicians and businesses to support efforts to reduce emissions and carbon pollution.
3 Rein in your use of force
If you can, switch to a zero-carbon or renewable energy provider. Install solar panels on your roof.
4 Transform your transport
Leave your car at home and walk or bike whenever possible. If the distances are too much, give preference to public transport, preferably electric options. If you have to drive, offer to share a car with others so that there are fewer cars on the road.
5 Regulate Your Diet
Eat more plant-based food - your body and the planet will thank you.
6 Shop locally and buy sustainably
Buy local and seasonal foods to reduce the carbon footprint of your food.
7 Do not waste the food
Avoid waste by buying only what you need. Take advantage of every edible part of the foods you buy.
8 (climate) Dress smart
Buy fewer new clothes and wear them for longer. Research sustainable labels and use rental services instead of buying new products that will only be worn once for special occasions. Recycle the clothes you liked in advance and repair them as needed.
9 Plant trees
All of us, individually or collectively, can play a role in reversing this trend by planting trees.
- Full access to our public library
- Save favorite books
- Interact with authors
We ,as 'Let's Save Our Planet Together " E-twinning partners ,dedicate this book to the those who take on responsibility to pass on a sustainable world to the future generations .

Distribution of Tasks
1. Adapazari Haci Zehra Akkoç Girls' Anatolian High School
All Project Activities
Responsible Teacher :Volkan Yalçin
Responsible Students :Mariya A.-Tuğba Y.
2 Kanuni Anatolian High School
Definition of Global Warming and Climate Change
Responsible Teacher :Birgül Köroğlu
Responsible Students :
3.Bodrum Anatolian High school
Reasons of Global Warming and Climate Change
Responsible Teacher :Çağatay Nalçaoğlu
Responsible Students :Irmak T.-Batu Kemal Y.
4.Seyhan Motor Vehicles Vocational and Technical Anatolian High school
Results of Global Warming and Climate Change
Responsible Teacher :Cumali Akkaya
Responsible Students :Muhammet Halil Ö.-Selahattin Y.
5-Fethi Gemuhluoğlu Anatolian High School
Precautions to be taken individually to prevent climate change
Responsible Teacher Şükran Yalçin
Responsible Students :Selin F.-Mehmet Şevki D.
6.Pazar Şehit Murat Naiboğlu Civil Aviation Vocational and Technical High school- Precautions to be taken local wide
Responsible Teachers :Emel Bodur-İrem Ünal-Merve Merev
Responsible Students :Eslem Dilay D.,Semanur Hilal A. ,Buse P.
7.Clubul Copiilor Curtea de Argeş -Precautions to be taken national wide
Responsible Teacher :Ruxanadra Socaciu
Responsible Students :Ştefan S., Biacnca N.
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