Mdc Books

  • Industrialization/ Economic Development Unit
    The story provides a basic explanation of industrialization, Fordism, air pollution, global warming, economic development, supranational organizations, MDC vs. LDC, and diffe…
  • Pyrethrum Farm in Subland
    A description of a small Pyrethrum farm in Swag City, Subland, its cultivation process, transportation, potential problems, and its place in the Von Thunen Model.
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  • Agriculture Storybook
    A farmer in Mirandasingsville discusses the location, farming methods, target consumers, potential problems, and economic impact of their farm.
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  • Subland Africa: Lucy Johnson Farms
    The Lucy Johnson Farm in Mufasa City is a commercial farm that grows cotton, sugarcane, and okra. They sell their crops to Europe and face challenges like competition and dro…
  • Farmer Paige
    Farmer Paige talks about her farm in Cotton Crossing, specializing in cotton and livestock farming. She discusses the transportation of crops, target customers, potential pro…
  • Sovereignty
    A description of a farm in Subland, including its size, crops, transportation, target consumers, potential problems, and economic importance.
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  • Sovereignty Project
    The story describes two major farms in Erieville, their farming practices, crops, and economic impact.
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