Rhetoric Books

  • I Have a Dream Speech By Dr. MLK Jr.
    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s powerful speech at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, advocating for African American rights and justice.
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  • A Piece of Rhetoric
    Elijah and Eric argue over who deserves the last cupcake. Aunt Scooter teaches them about rhetoric, but ends up taking the cupcake for herself.
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  • Jane & Grammar
    This book explains the usage of semicolons, colons, parallel structure, ethos, pathos, and logos with examples.
  • Grammar, Grammar, Grammar!!!!
    An informative book explaining the definitions and examples of punctuation marks and rhetorical devices.
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  • Grammer Book
    An informative text explaining the usage of semicolons, colons, parallel structure, ethos, pathos, and logos with examples.
  • Rhetoric
    Bill, a student, wants to convince his teacher, Miss Wyatt, to let him listen to music in class. He uses rhetoric and emotional appeals to persuade her.
  • The Renaissance
    An overview of the Italian Renaissance, including its history, major cities, humanism, education, art, literature, and impact.
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  • Keep Moving Forward Activists of The Civil Rights Movement
    The story is a historical recount of the Civil Rights Movement, highlighting key figures like Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. It also includes math problems related to …
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