Skin Care Books

  • Skin Care Shopping
    Jessica and Suzannah discuss their preference for natural face cream. They visit a skin care store, consult with an aesthetician, and schedule a collagen treatment.
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  • How to Take Care of Your Skin
    Stella and Anna go to the park, but only Stella wears sunscreen. Anna gets a sunburn and they learn about different types of burns and the layers of the skin.
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  • Amy Kwak, not Quack
    Amy Kwak is our hero. She goes to a new school and on her first day her teacher calls her, "Quack." She gets very annoyed and everyone makes fun of her! What will she do? Rea…
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  • Wormy's Sunburn
    Wormy, a worm, goes to the beach without wearing sunscreen and gets a bad sunburn. He learns his lesson and takes better care of his skin.
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  • Though a Type One diabetic cannot stop the onset of his or her disease, the related stigma influences outsiders to believe that diabetes is the diabetic’s fault. The negative…
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  • I love my body
    Rhianne loves her body and takes care of it by riding her bike, brushing her teeth, washing her hands, getting enough rest, eating healthy, and learning about her body parts.
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  • Our Skin
    Sara teaches about skin care, including sunburn, aloe vera, showering, washing face, and applying lotion before bed.
  • The Adventures of Zing!
    Would you like to find out what all these animals have in common? Where they live and what and who this Zing character is? Find out be reading the adventures of Zing! This …
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