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This book was written by an 8th Grader and takes place in a middle school. It is about An 8th Grader’s dream of becoming a dictator, his short lived success, and his subsequ…

This is a biography of Joseph Stalin, his actions during the Civil War, his role in the Cold War, and his impact on the Soviet Union.

A brief overview of D-Day and Stalin's rule, including key events and their impact.

A brief history of the Russian Revolution, from the rule of Czar Nicholas II to the rise of communism under Stalin.

A speech by a Soviet leader, addressing the Red Army and Navy, praising their efforts in repulsing German invaders and urging them to continue the fight for liberation.

A brief biography of Vladimir Lenin and the rise to power of Joseph Stalin, including his policies and control over the Soviet Union.
by Londipop 1

A brief history of Communism, focusing on the rise of Karl Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao Zedong.
by 28192rocks

The story of Joseph Stalin, from his difficult childhood to his rise to power and his role in starting the Cold War.

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