Wade-davis Bill Books

    A historical account of the Reconstruction era after the Civil War, including Lincoln's plan, the Wade-Davis bill, Andrew Johnson's presidency, Congress's response, and the c…
  • The Story of Reconstruction
    A brief overview of the Reconstruction period after the Civil War, including key events and legislation.
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  • This story provides an overview of the Reconstruction period after the Civil War, including Lincoln's 10% Plan, the Wade-Davis Bill, Johnson's plan, the Radical Republicans, …
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  • ABC's of Civil War and Reconstruction
    A collection of short descriptions about key people, events, and concepts related to the American Civil War.
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  • Reconstruction
    A historical account of the events and policies during the Reconstruction era after the American Civil War.
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  • Reconstruction
    This story provides a brief overview of the American Civil War and Reconstruction period, highlighting key events and figures.
  • The Reconstruction
    A brief overview of the Reconstruction period in the United States, including key events and legislation.
  • Rebuilding the Nation
    A summary of the Reconstruction era in the United States, including the plans of Lincoln, Johnson, and Congress, the amendments passed, and the end of Reconstruction.
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