Developmental Milestones Books

  • Ruby's Lemonade Stand
    The dramatic play highlights of preschool-age children's cognitive, social, and language developmental milestones.
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    An overview of autism, including its characteristics, developmental milestones, and ways to support children with autism.
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  • All About Alexis
    Alexis's day at school, following her developmental milestones in language and cognitive development.
  • Johnny's First Day At School
    Follow Johnny's day full of fun activities designed to help him meet cognitive and language milestones.
  • A Day With Violet
    Aunt Mich spends the day with her niece Violet, observing and celebrating her developmental milestones.
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  • Developmental Milestones
    This book provides information on cognitive and language developmental milestones for children in early childhood, as well as a sample daily routine.
  • Cognitive and Developmental Milestones in Toddlers
    This book discusses cognitive and language development milestones in toddlers, providing examples and references to support the information.
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  • Rose's Developmental Milestone Picture Book
    A guide for parents on developmental milestones and activities for infants, with a focus on language and cognitive skills.
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