Lactose Intolerance Books

  • Mr. Pete Needs Help
    Mr. Pete, a botanist from Switzerland, travels to Georgia and learns about the digestive system and lactose intolerance from his doctor.
  • Learning About The Digestive System Domenica Wilson
    Nyla learns about the digestive system and tests her knowledge by eating pizza and observing the process. She shares her findings with her classmates.
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  • Peppa Pig Teaches the Digestive System
    A brief overview of the digestive system, explaining the functions of each organ and some related disorders.
  • The Smart Cookie
    Cookie, a talking cookie, teaches children about the digestive system and its processes, including digestion, absorption, and lactose intolerance.
  • Digestive System
    Carrie learns about the digestive system from her science teacher, Mrs. Gates, and how lactose intolerance affects her sister.
  • The Digestive System
    An informational book about the digestive system, its parts, functions, and diseases like lactose intolerance.
  • The day of life of jack the Flapjack going through the digestive system.
    A flapjack named Jack goes through the digestive system of a boy named Jacob, with explanations of each step and additional information about lactose intolerance and the mech…
  • The Digestive System
    A description of the digestive system and common diseases that can affect it.
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